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What skincare is best for sensitive skin? What is sensitive skin a symptom of? How to get rid of sensitive skin? There are several really basic things you must stop doing if you have this condition with irritable, itchy or dry skin. No.1 you cannot use fragrances. Allergies are a modern epidemic. With fragrances being the number one cause of skin sensitivity and allergic reactions in skin care. So don’t shop with your nose, it makes no scents. Fragrances, either natural or synthetic, can have up to 200 different chemicals in them, causing irritation well before it’s seen on the surface. Below the surface they can create cracks invisible to the naked eye. These break collagen down worsening dryness, hindering your skin’s ability to heal. ’Essential oils’ included in skin care often contain artificial fragrances not listed on the packaging, that make aromas last longer. Find out more

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